Center Stage Kids (Base Pack)


Do you want to learn to live a life of worship? Children ages 6-12 will follow along on tour with world famous worship band, Cloud 9, as they teach an up and coming artist what worship is all about. Get an all-exclusive look at behind the scenes footage of the band as they crisscross the world to make God’s Name famous. In this new Elevate series Cloud 9 will show us how to make worship a part of our everyday lives. You can also purchase the worship album, Cloud 9: Center Stage CD, from the Cloud 9 band. This CD includes songs from the series Center Stage, plus a few original songs.

For this series, the Perform It Live Teaching Format includes performing the Bible Lesson live and watching the Skit on DVD.

Available on backorder


Lesson 1:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that we should only worship God. We accomplish this by not letting anything become more important to us than God.
Bible Story: Jesus speaks to the rich young man (Mark 10:17-22)
Main Point: Only God is Worthy of My Worship!
Bible Verse: “All honor and glory to God forever and ever! He is the eternal King, the unseen one who never dies; he alone is God. Amen” (1 Timothy 1:17 NLT)

Lesson 2:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that we should worship God with our voices by singing to Him.
Bible Story: Moses and the Israelites sing to God. (Exodus 15) Mary sings to God. (Luke 1) Angels worship God by singing. (Luke 2)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Sing to Him!
Bible Verse: “Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord; it is fitting for the pure to praise him.” (Psalm 33:1 NLT)

Lesson 3:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that when we worship God through prayer, we should not just give Him our requests, we should also listen.
Bible Story: Elijah speaks to God on the mountain. (1 Kings 19)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Pray to Him!
Bible Verse: “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” (Psalm 46:10 NLT)

Lesson 4:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that we worship God through serving. We should serve God and serve others even if it makes us uncomfortable.
Bible Story: Jesus anointed by a sinful woman at Bethany. (Luke 7:36-50)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Serve Him!
Bible Verse: “God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.” (1 Peter 4:10 NLT)

Lesson 5:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that we worship God through giving. We should give our tithes and offerings to God, but we should also give to people in need.
Bible Story: The believers share their possessions with each other. (Acts 4:32-37)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Give!
Bible Verse: “The wicked borrow and never repay, but the godly are generous givers.” (Psalm 37:21 NLT)

Lesson 6:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that part of worshiping God is caring for other people. We can show love in many different ways including kind words, gifts, touch, quality time and acts of service.
Bible Story: Peter heals a lame man at the gate. (Acts 3)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Love Others!
Bible Verse: “This is the message you have heard from the beginning: We should love one another.” (1 John 3:11 NLT)

Lesson 7:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that God should be the most important One in our lives. And if God truly is the most important, we will worship Him with our obedience.
Bible Story: The call of Abram (Genesis 12)
Main Point: I Worship God When I Obey Him!
Bible Verse: “John replied, ‘When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.” (John 15:10 NLT)

Lesson 8:

Lesson Goals: The children will learn that we have reason to worship God no matter what our circumstances are. We should worship God when things are going well and we should worship
Bible Story: God when things are not going well.
Main Point: The story of Job (Job)I Will Worship God In Good Times and Bad Times!
Bible Verse: “Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms.” (Psalm 68:19 NLT)

Additional information

Weight 0.625 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 5.5 × 1.125 in


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